Ep. 81 – Coach Chris – How to Travel on A Budget

Is traveling one of the things you’re thinking of doing after the pandemic? To get out there and experience life as we used to know it before Covid? How do you do that without breaking the bank with the current economic environment?

Affordable traveling has increasingly gained popularity in recent times, and it’s only right that create those memories and experiences through travel. This even as you continue planning your retirement. 

In this episode of the Secure Your Retirement podcast, we invited Coach Chris to share some of his proven tips on how to travel on a budget. Chris is a travel coach with over 20 years of experience in luxury travel and leisure for pennies on the dollar.

In this episode, find out:

  • Chris shares his travel experiences and the benefits of traveling
  • How to leverage your credit card for travel hack and fly for free 
  • Consider traveling within the US border for safety in this pandemic environment 
  • Consider timeshare- forego staying in a hotel and instead rent your vacation space from an owner 
  • Chris’s concierge ideas to help people strategize traveling for free 
  • More golden tips on how to purchase an affordable timeshare 
  • Travel the world, gain experiences and make it your legacy 

Tweetable Quotes:

  • “The best things in life are your health, your family, your friends, and those precious memories and experiences.”- Coach Chris 
  • “We travel not to escape life, but for life not to escape us.” – Coach Chris
  • “Get out there and create those memories and experiences even in this environment.” – Coach Chris 

Get in Touch with Coach Chris:


  • If you are in or nearing retirement and you want to gain clarity on what questions you should be asking, learn what the biggest retirement myths are, and identify what you can do to achieve peace of mind for your retirement, get started today by requesting our complimentary video course, Four Steps to Secure Your Retirement!
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