
Understanding Cryptocurrency and Digital Assets

Join hosts Radon Stancil, CFP and Murs Tariq, CFP  for this informative webinar as they discuss common questions and an overview related to cryptocurrency and digital assets.

Tuesday, September 13th, 2022



Radon Stancil and Murs Tariq

We’re Radon Stancil and Murs Tariq, and at Peace of Mind Wealth Management we are dedicated to guiding you through knowing what questions to ask and what information to gather in order to feel 100% confident about your retirement plan.

We saw so many people trying to enter retirement with only one piece of the puzzle, set up for failure.  From our 30+ years’ combined experience we’ve seen that successful retirement takes a holistic approach that we share in this training and teach our clients.

What Other's Are Saying...

“You don’t know how appreciative we are for your services and we are so glad we chose Peace of Mind Wealth for our investments.  Glad to be a part of your family.” 
 – RT
“We have been so comfortable that our portfolio is in good hands. Both of you and your support staff have done a great job!”
“Thank you for all your help! You made this process of handling the loss of my spouse so much less stressful.”
– BH
“Your frequent video updates are welcomed and appreciated. Radon and Murs you have done an exemplary job of keeping us so informed. Thank you very much!”
– HG
“We are very grateful that we found you several years ago, and have been so pleased with the services and advice you have provided. Thank you for your input especially during these challenging times.”