August 14, 2023 Weekly Update

We do love it when someone refers a family member or friend to us.  Sometimes the question is, “How can we introduce them to you?”   Well, there are multiple ways but a very easy way is to simply forward them a link to this webpage.

Here are this week’s items:

Portfolio Update:  Murs and I have recorded our portfolio update for August 14, 2023

This Week’s Podcast – Protecting Against Cybersecurity Threats

Listen in to learn the importance of having strong and complex passwords for your home and office networks and avoid using one password for multiple sites. You will also learn the importance of being mindful when opening emails, using public Wi-Fi, sending sensitive data, and more to avoid cyber-attacks.


This Week’s Blog – Protecting Against Cybersecurity Threats

Cybersecurity threats are a major threat to your retirement planning. Thirty or more years ago, protecting against cybersecurity threats wasn’t an issue. Today, institutes are hacked, data is leaked, and it can put your retirement at risk as a result.

We don’t want this episode to scare any of our listeners. Instead, we want to empower you by providing the steps that you need to take to secure your retirement against a potential cyberattack.