September 17, 2024 Weekly Update

We do love it when someone refers a family member or friend to us.  Sometimes the question is, “How can we introduce them to you?”   Well, there are multiple ways but a very easy way is to simply forward them a link to this webpage.

Here are this week’s items:

Long Term Care Insurance Options in Retirement

Radon and Murs discuss long-term care planning and the complexities involved in making decisions regarding long-term care insurance. They outline why it’s crucial to think about your future care options and why understanding the different types of policies available today is more important than ever.


Long Term Care Insurance Options in Retirement

This blog will guide you through understanding basic long-term care options, outline the importance of long-term care planning, and offer you insights to consider when deciding if long-term care insurance is a good option for you. As the aging population grows, the financial burden of long-term care will only continue to increase, making this type of planning more essential than ever.

Long-Term Care: Planning and Options

Long-term care is one of those essential topics that no one really wants to think about, yet it’s crucial for anyone planning for a secure future. If you’re nearing or in retirement, you’ve likely considered what happens if you need care down the road. Unfortunately, most people avoid long-term care planning because of its complexities and the difficulty of accepting the reality that they may one day need assistance with daily living. However, skipping this critical step can lead to unexpected financial strain that can eat away at your retirement savings, leaving you or your loved ones vulnerable.

This blog will guide you through understanding basic long-term care options, outline the importance of long-term care planning, and offer you insights to consider when deciding if long-term care insurance is a good option for you. As the aging population grows, the financial burden of long-term care will only continue to increase, making this type of planning more essential than ever.

The Evolution of Long-Term Care Insurance

Over the last few decades, long-term care insurance has gone through numerous changes. Many people who initially purchased traditional long-term care insurance are now reconsidering its value. Traditional policies required you to pay premiums for years with the promise that, should you need care, the insurance would kick in and cover a portion of your expenses. But here’s the issue: no one foresaw the significant rise in healthcare costs or the fact that people are living longer than ever before.

Insurance companies offering traditional long-term care policies were caught off-guard by the rising costs. As a result, policyholders saw their premiums skyrocket, making it increasingly difficult to maintain coverage. Some policies have seen annual premiums rise from $500 to $2,000 or more for the same benefit, forcing many to drop their coverage. In many cases, if you don’t use the insurance, you lose all the money you’ve paid into it.

The Shift to Hybrid Long-Term Care Options

Due to the challenges faced by traditional long-term care insurance, the market has seen a shift toward hybrid policies. These alternatives provide a blend of insurance and investment products to offer more flexibility and value. Hybrid policies include a long-term care benefit coupled with either a life insurance policy or an annuity. Unlike traditional long-term care insurance, if you don’t end up needing long-term care, the money you’ve invested in the policy isn’t lost. Instead, your beneficiaries can receive a death benefit or you can access some of the cash value.

This shift has made hybrid policies more appealing to individuals seeking a more comprehensive financial planning strategy. It’s important to understand the options available within these hybrid policies to determine which one suits your financial goals and long-term care planning needs.

Hybrid Insurance Policy: Life Insurance with Long-Term Care Benefits

Hybrid life insurance policies are one of the more attractive options for those looking to combine life insurance with long-term care benefits. Here’s how it works: you purchase a life insurance policy that allows you to access the death benefit early if you need long-term care. If you never need long-term care, your beneficiaries will receive the full death benefit, making it a win-win.

For example, let’s say you purchase a policy for $100,000. If you need long-term care, you can use the value of that policy to cover costs, tax-free. If you don’t need the long-term care, your family will receive the full death benefit upon your passing. The hybrid approach ensures you don’t feel like you’re wasting your money on premiums for a service you may never use. In addition, hybrid life insurance policies often build cash value, which means you can access funds if you need liquidity during your lifetime.

This type of insurance tends to work best for individuals between the ages of 50 and 70, in relatively good health. It offers peace of mind because, no matter what happens, your money is being put to good use—either for care in your later years or as an inheritance for your loved ones.

Hybrid Annuity Policy: Annuities with Long-Term Care Benefits

Another hybrid option gaining popularity is the annuity with long-term care benefits. An annuity is a financial product that guarantees a stream of income for life or for a set period. When combined with long-term care benefits, these annuities offer a multiplier effect, where your income can increase if you need to pay for care.

There are two main types of long-term care annuities. The first is an annuity with a long-term care multiplier, which allows your annuity income to grow to cover additional care expenses. For example, if your annuity income is $10,000 annually, a multiplier may increase that amount by 1.5 or 2 times for a period of time if you need long-term care.

The second type is a true long-term care annuity, which requires underwriting—an evaluation of your health and risk factors before approval. This type of annuity offers significant tax benefits when you use the funds for care, making it a compelling choice for those concerned about the tax implications of their retirement plans. If you use the annuity funds to cover costs associated with activities of daily living, the withdrawals are typically tax-free, which can provide a tremendous planning advantage.

Pros and Cons of Long-Term Care Insurance

When evaluating your long-term care insurance options, there are pros and cons to each type of policy. Let’s break it down:

Traditional Long-Term Care Insurance


  • Provides a dedicated pool of money for care
  • Offers specific coverage for long-term care needs


  • Rising premiums make it hard to maintain
  • If you don’t need care, you lose the money you’ve invested

Hybrid Life Insurance Policies


  • Provides a death benefit if care isn’t needed
  • Can build cash value over time
  • Allows you to access the policy’s value, tax-free, for long-term care


  • Higher upfront cost compared to traditional insurance
  • Requires relatively good health for underwriting

Hybrid Annuities with Long-Term Care Benefits


  • Offers lifetime income and the potential for long-term care coverage
  • May provide tax-free withdrawals when used for care
  • No underwriting required for some policies


  • Typically has fewer benefits than a life insurance policy
  • Can be more complex to understand

Creating a Long-Term Care Planning Checklist

It’s essential to create a long-term care planning checklist to evaluate your needs and make informed decisions. Here are some key points to consider when planning for long-term care:

  • Evaluate Your Financial Situation: Can you self-insure, or will you need a long-term care insurance policy?
  • Understand Your Care Preferences: Do you want to receive care at home, in an assisted living facility, or a nursing home?
  • Explore Insurance Options: Research both traditional and hybrid long-term care insurance options to determine which is best for you.
  • Consider the Costs: Long-term care costs vary significantly depending on the level and location of care. Ensure you have a realistic estimate of potential expenses.
  • Review Tax Implications: Certain policies and annuities offer tax benefits when used for care. Make sure to consider the tax impact on your overall retirement plan.
  • Discuss Your Plans with Family: It’s important to involve your family in your long-term care planning to ensure your wishes are understood and that they are prepared for any financial or caregiving responsibilities.

Is Long-Term Care Insurance Worth It?

The answer to this question depends entirely on your financial situation, health, and goals. If you can self-insure and feel comfortable shouldering the risk, you may choose to forgo insurance. For many people, long-term care insurance provides peace of mind by transferring some of the financial burden to an insurance company.

Hybrid options have made long-term care insurance more appealing because they offer flexibility and ensure your money isn’t lost if you don’t need care. By evaluating your needs and understanding the various products available, you can make an informed decision about the best way to protect your financial future.


You may have a few questions from this blog. Our complimentary 15-minute call is a good option for you to get started on some answers. Schedule your complimentary call with us and learn more about Long-Term Care: Planning and Options.

August 21, 2023 Weekly Update

We do love it when someone refers a family member or friend to us.  Sometimes the question is, “How can we introduce them to you?”   Well, there are multiple ways but a very easy way is to simply forward them a link to this webpage.

Here are this week’s items:

Portfolio Update:  Murs and I have recorded our portfolio update for August 21, 2023

This Week’s Podcast – Long-Term Care Planning Options

Listen in to learn how long-term insurance has evolved from standalone to asset-based long-term care insurance policies and the benefits of these changes. You will also learn about the right age to start planning for long-term care and the average cost of different long-term options.


This Week’s Blog – Long-Term Care Planning Options

No one likes to talk about long term care planning. Your plan will be expensive, and who really wants to think about needing long term care? Unfortunately, as we age, our health will likely decline, and there’s a possibility that we won’t be able to remain as independent as we are right now.

Long Term Care Planning Options

No one likes to talk about long term care planning. Your plan will be expensive, and who really wants to think about needing long term care? Unfortunately, as we age, our health will likely decline, and there’s a possibility that we won’t be able to remain as independent as we are right now.

In our most recent podcast, we brought on Jessica Iverson, a partner with us specializing in long term care planning and the options available to us.

Current World View of Long Term Care Planning and Insurance

Long term care evolves and changes over time. In the past, a lot of people didn’t consider this type of care during their retirement planning. However, people are living longer, and things are changing.

Long term care insurance has evolved. Past policies were standalone and didn’t have life insurance or annuities built into it. Policies today are not standalone products but asset-based and focus on long term care with life insurance or annuities built in.

If you never need long term care, your beneficiaries still receive something from the money that you put into your plan. Previously, if a person didn’t use their standalone plan, their families never received any of the funds back.

The plans of today are certainly more beneficial than in the past.

Appropriate Age and Time to Begin Thinking About Long Term Care Planning

When you work towards trying to secure your retirement, you’re often younger and not thinking about future health issues. However, there isn’t an opportune time to plan for future healthcare needs.

Jessica states:

  • It’s never too early to start planning, whether you purchase an index universal life policy with a long term care rider or chronic illness rider
  • As you get older, you can reposition an asset and look at an asset-based annuity

Jessica prefers an asset-based life insurance policy that has life insurance on the policy with a death benefit to beneficiaries. You can also pay these policies over a longer period of time to make them more affordable and can add an inflation rider on them, too.

An inflation rider guarantees that your long term care benefit will grow annually as inflation rises and costs for care rise along with it.

Understanding the Costs of Care and Why Insurance is Crucial for Most Retirees

Many people underestimate the cost of care as they age. Even looking back 10 years, costs have risen greatly. You have quite a few options and in 2023, these are the general costs that you’ll be faced with:

  • $4,000 – $6,000 per month for an assisted living facility
  • $9,000 – $12,000 per month for private room nursing care
  • $3,000 – $5,000 per month for a home healthcare policy

These figures are ever-increasing.

Home healthcare allows you to stay in your home for as long as possible, and it’s the preferred choice for many if their health allows them.

Do you need insurance?

We help people through this question by asking:

  1. Do you have enough assets to cover these costs, or are you comfortable with self-insuring?
  2. Do you need to transfer some of this risk?

Our retirement-focused financial plan does focus on long term care needs and helps us look through the scenario of today’s care costs to the costs at age 80. We provide a clear picture of what you may be spending for 3 – 5 years of care, how much assets are left and if there will be funds left for your spouse.

How Long Term Care Works and Your Options

Standalone policies are becoming increasingly difficult to secure, but they are available. These policies are hard to be approved for because they’re the most likely to be used by the individual.

Asset-based long term care has quite a few options and is really where the market has turned to in recent years. This works by:

  • Purchasing insurance on top of an asset (let’s say, life insurance)
  • When a claim begins, you would spend down your life insurance first and then receive a pool of long term care benefits, too
  • If you deplete the life insurance, you still have benefits through long term care that will cover your costs

There are also asset-based annuities, which work similarly to the policy built on a life insurance asset. An asset-based annuity option is more flexible and accepts a variety of premiums, such as qualified funds or transferring an asset from one annuity to another.

With this type of policy, the annuity is spent before receiving the additional long term care benefits in your plan.

You also have the option to secure a plan that offers:

  • Life insurance with a long term care or chronic illness rider
  • Income annuity with a doubler

If you have failing health already, it will make it far more challenging to secure a plan.

Difference Between an Asset-based Life Insurance Policy vs Life Insurance Policy with a Rider

The asset-based policy’s main purpose is long term care and allows you to:

  • Adjust the benefit period with up to 6 or 8 years of coverage
  • Add an inflation rider

You will receive a smaller death benefit with the asset-based policy. 

Life insurance policies focus primarily on life insurance and include:

  • Higher death benefit
  • Fewer long term care customizations

If you’re in your 20s and 30s, a life insurance policy will likely make more sense. However, the standalone asset-based policy maximizes your long term care benefits and has a lower life insurance payout.

Qualifying for a Policy

Every policy must go through underwriting, which is a complex process with a lot of moving parts. An insurer can deny your application for a policy, but we do know what these companies are focusing on.

  • Long term care focused products focus on the morbidity of the client. How likely is it that the client will get sick?
  • Life insurance focused policies are looking at your risk of mortality. How likely is it that the client will die from sickness?

Long term care policies look at the client’s Activities of Daily Living and if they can maintain:

  • Mobility
  • Feeding
  • Transferring
  • Dressing
  • Bathing
  • Toileting
  • Continence

With these policies, the carrier will not want to take the risk if you have a cane or walker or if you’re in any type of physical therapy. If you’re still able to maintain the points above and are in relatively good health, you will likely qualify for a long term care plan.

If you do have a few issues, there are some options available to you, such as:

  • Annuity options, which are more favorable and should include an income doubler. These plans only care about you not needing care right now and are easier to be approved for if you’re declined on a long term care plan.
  • Self-funding long term care is also possible.

Some annuities do accept qualified funds and you won’t need to worry about taxes upfront. An asset-based annuity will produce withdrawals over 5 or 10 years, which you will be taxed on for the duration of the annuity.

However, when the long term care benefits kick in, they are tax-free.

Navigating long term care is very complex when you go at it alone. Working with someone like Jessica Iverson or our team can help you understand all your options and find the best plan for you.

Do you have any questions about long term care planning? Feel free to reach out to us and schedule a free 15-minute call with us to discuss them.